Welcome Home
Our mandate from God is to equip people for abundant life with His truth!
Join us and be inspired by the Word of God.
Join us and be inspired by the Word of God.
Sunday Services @ 10 am & 6 pm
Wednesday Bible Study: 7:00-8:00pm
Who We Are:


Our focus is to help equip people for life using the principles and patterns contained in the Bible

Gerri & Michelle Di Somma
Senior Pastors
Pastor Gerri is apostolic in calling, a visionary, a godly leader, and an anointed speaker. Pastor Michelle is both Pastor Gerri’s soul mate and helper, and a woman of God in her own right with a prophetic edge to her calling. Pastors Gerri and Michelle have seen God’s love, Word, and power demonstrated throughout their lives and the lives of countless others. This is the reason they continue in their call "to preach the kingdom of God and heal the sick," Luke 9:2 – the mission statement of Carmel.
Welcome Home!
Welcome Home!
We are a Bible-based and Spirit-led Church. Our focus is to help equip people for life using the principles and patterns contained in the Bible
Why not join us for a life-changing service that is all about faith and fellowship!
Sunday Morning Service: 10:00 am
Sunday Evening Service: 6:00 pm
Office Hours: Monday - Thursdays 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Sunday Evening Service: 6:00 pm
Office Hours: Monday - Thursdays 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Carmel Church is a rapidly expanding organization whose congregation doubled and whose departments increased. Part of the ongoing strategy has been to establish a strong network which offer support to people of all ages and from whatever background or circumstances.