Exceptional Women
Exceptional Women
Exceptional Women welcomes women within Carmel, from other churches, and the wider Houston community. Exceptional Women aims that every woman is enabled to recognize and fulfill her potential. Teaching and counsel are given to help women become emotionally and spiritually strong and experience restoration and wholeness where life has left emotional scars. Women are equipped to function effectively and confidently in every aspect of life whether they are single, married, have children, or a career. Freed from negative self-images and insecurity, they enjoy life.
Ladies Events provide the opportunity for women within Carmel to invite friends and have a social time, encourage one another, and benefit from teaching.
Mentoring Groups are help weekly and enable women to grow strong in faith and wisdom and learn to apply biblical principles to daily living.
Annual conferences provide opportunity to join with women from other churches and the community and to benefit from the teaching and experience a variety of anointed speakers.
Ladies Events provide the opportunity for women within Carmel to invite friends and have a social time, encourage one another, and benefit from teaching.
Mentoring Groups are help weekly and enable women to grow strong in faith and wisdom and learn to apply biblical principles to daily living.
Annual conferences provide opportunity to join with women from other churches and the community and to benefit from the teaching and experience a variety of anointed speakers.

Exceptional Women
Exceptional Women welcomes women withing Carmel, from other churches, and the wider Houston community. Exceptional Women aims that every woman is enabled to recognize and fulfill her potential. Teaching and cousel is given to help women become emotionally and spiritually strong and experience restoration and wholeness where life has left emotional scars. Women are equipped to function effectively and confidently in every aspect of life whether they are single, married, have children, or a career. Freed from negative self-images and insecurity, they enjoy life.
Ladies Events provide the opportunity for women within Carmel to invite friends and have a social time, encourage one another, and benefit from teaching.
Mentoring Groups are help weekly and enable women to grow strong in faith and wisdom and learn to apply biblical principles to daily living.
Annual conferences provide opportunity to join with women from other churches and the community and to benefit from the teaching and experience a variety of anointed speakers.
Ladies Events provide the opportunity for women within Carmel to invite friends and have a social time, encourage one another, and benefit from teaching.
Mentoring Groups are help weekly and enable women to grow strong in faith and wisdom and learn to apply biblical principles to daily living.
Annual conferences provide opportunity to join with women from other churches and the community and to benefit from the teaching and experience a variety of anointed speakers.